Woodworm Glasgow

The Dangers Of Woodworm Glasgow

Woodworm Glasgow

What Is Woodworm?

Woodworm Glasgow is a small wood-eating insect, a common name for the larvae stage of wood boring beetles. You may find woodworm in your property from early spring to mid-autumn. Property owners tend to only find the woodworm once the infestation has occurred. The woodworm is really difficult to see but once an infestation has occurred, you will see holes in the wood as well as wood dust.

How To Treat Woodworm

It can be difficult to know if the infestation active due to the beetles being elusive, however this is when woodworm treatment is best done. The correct chemical treatment must be given to the infected piece of timber. A water based fluid is given to the surface of the wood which is designed to target the beetles.

Unfortunately some wood structures may be so badly damaged that they are no longer treatable. Experts will then come in and remove the old timber while replacing it with brand new, larvae-free wood.

Woodworm Glasgow

As woodworm has a 3-year life cycle, timber, furniture or timber products bought containing a woodworm infestation, may not manifest itself until years after the timber has been brought to your property. Infestation can be tackled by the application of a residual insecticide to infected areas. This is a chemical product and should be applied only by professional woodworm treatment contractors. If you are trying to tackle the infection alone, simple aerosol insecticide sprays will generally not eliminate the infestation. Our Technicians are trained and qualified in the safe use of chemicals to eradicate woodworm from your property.

Woodworm Glasgow

How To Prevent Woodworm Glasgow

  • Make sure your timber wood is ventilated properly and keep humidity levels low as much as possible – avoiding damp conditions
  • If the infestation has already occurred, removed the infected area if possible to avoid it spreading
Woodworm Glasgow